Fitzpatrick Scale
The Fitzpatrick scale is a numerical classification system for human skin color. It was developed by American dermatologist Thomas B. Fitzpatrick in 1975 as a way to determine how harmful UV light may interact with a range of skin types. Over time the scale as expanded to include a wider range of skin types and has been altered based on patient reports. As a recognized tool for dermatological research, the Fitzpatrick scale aids patients by becoming informed of their personal Fitzpatrick skin type.
When choosing skincare products and cosmetic treatments, knowing your Fitzpatrick skin type will help you make imformed decisions. If you have any questions regarding your Fitzpatrick skin type, please consult with your doctor.
Skin Type I
Skin burns extremely easily and doesn't tan
Skin Type II
Generally burns and has a hard time tanning
Skin Type III
Occasionally burns and tans slowly
Skin Type IV
Easily tans and rarely burns
Skin Type V
Tans fast and extremely rarely burns
Skin Type VI
Tans extremely quickly and never burns